Instagram Feed: @kitchenerpaul


21 May 2013

A Man's Dream Fulfilled!

Below is the progress (as depicted via my sister's Facebook updates) of a man in need of funds to fulfill a dream. I had a fun time creating the graphics for the updates and being a part of a great cause!

1. April 5, 2013

Make Estevão's Dream a Reality! 

My (Abby Kitchener) amazing friend, Estevão Gomes from Mozambique, has had the dream of going to a Bible school in Brazil to better prepare him for missions and Kingdom work. Now, he has the incredible offer of four years of Bible school in Brazil completely FREE if he can purchase a round trip flight. He unfortunately does not have this money.

He needs $2100 by the end of by the end of April to not miss out on this opportunity! Could we join with our brother in Mozambique and play a role in making his dream a reality by praying and supporting him? Whether you know him or not or can support him or not, please share this post to spread the word! Thank you!

2. April 20, 2013

10 Days Left to Make Estevão's Dream a Reality! 

3. April 30, 2013

Today is the last day to help make Estevão's dream a reality!

UPDATE: Incredibly, it looks like 90% has come in! Thank you to everyone who has shared previous posts and donated. In case you don't know what this is all about:

4. May 16, 2013

God did it!! Estevão from Mozambique is Brazil-bound and on his way to living out his dream! Because of your generous donations (all the way from the US, Canada, the UK, and South Africa) not only was our goal of $2100 met, but the amazing sum total of $2208 was raised! Praise God the Provider! THANK YOU for being a part of making Estevão’s dream come true of going to Bible School in Brazil to be further trained to more deeply impact the world for God’s Kingdom!! God bless you all!!!

13 May 2013

The Newsletter Post

Part of the joys of being a missionary is writing newsletters. :) Since people tend to receive a lot of these, I try to at least make them visually appealing. It's fun but can be time consuming. I think the key to a good newsletter is keeping it to one page. 

With that short introduction, you can read and/or download my latest newsletter by clicking the picture below:

If you were fascinated by this newsletter and feel compelled to read more of my quarterly creations, I don't want to hold you back. Ha. My previous three newsletters are below.




Who knows what will happen here in Europe during the next three months, but you can count on it showing up in my August 2013 newsletter. :)

Complete TWR Newsletter Archive